Work Experience
We are currently fully booked with work experience students until February 2025 and will not be taking any more applications for the time being.
We accept school pupils (16-18 years old) on work placements, who are interested in a career in equine nursing or veterinary medicine. These may be part of their formal school programme or arranged yourself during your school vacations. School pupils are based with our nursing and yard team in the clinic and are there to observe procedures. However, pupils are encouraged to help with mucking out and general yard duties.
Clothing appropriate for a yard, including sensible protective footwear, should be worn. Trainers and wellingtons are not acceptable. To apply for work experience, please complete the application form below. We recommend that you apply early, as these positions are filled far in advance.
Please remember that whilst you are visiting the clinic, client confidentiality is of utmost importance. Also, it should be expected that sometimes horses must be euthanised. School pupils are not expected to participate in these situations, or in any situation where they do not feel comfortable. However, they must remember to conduct themselves appropriately in front of our clients.
Placements fill up very quickly, so we ask that you give us a minimum of three months notice prior to the dates that you would like. Due to the high demand of work experience, we cannot guarantee you will be given a placement.