Notes for Owners of In-Patients
If your horse is being admitted to the clinic, we understand how stressful and worrying this will be. We have all bedding, rugs and feed available for your horse, pony or donkey. However, if they have specific rugs that you would like them to wear, or they are receiving any preferred feeds or feed supplements, please bring these with you.
The clinician or intern taking care of your horse will contact you daily with a progress report, or immediately, in the event of sudden change.
Alternatively, if it is more convenient for you to call to enquire about your horse’s condition, please do so. If possible, please call after mid-morning, by which time treatments, daily checks and bandage changes will have been carried out.
You are always welcome to visit your horse in the hospital during the week, but we ask that you avoid the busiest time of the day at morning and evening stables. You are welcome to visit during the week from 9am-4pm. Please report to reception before entering the stables. When you receive your morning update, a time can be arranged to ensure this does not interfere with any procedures and ensure a member of the team are free to chat to you.
Weekend visiting hours are restricted to 5-6pm by prior arrangement with a member of staff. When visiting, it is important that you report to reception before entering your horse’s stable. Please do not feed or walk your horse out without checking with a member of the nursing staff, in case it has recently been sedated, is restricted in what it can eat or is on box rest or isolation.
To comply with our Infectious Disease Protocol, please use alcohol hand sanitisers before and after touching your horse. Your horse’s medical records are confidential. Please respect the confidentiality of other owners and their horses when visiting your horse in the hospital. Please do not touch any other horses in the hospital.
During your horse’s stay at the hospital, they are monitored on CCTV overnight as often as deemed necessary according to the severity of their clinical condition. Our emergency vets and/or intern are located in the bedsit and/or in the hospital team bedroom respectively, at all times to ensure rapid attention to your horse if needed.
On the day of discharge, please collect your horse before 4.30pm and, if possible, tell us in advance of your expected arrival time, so that we may prepare your horse. Your clinician will provide written discharge instructions detailing what medications, bandages and re-examinations will be required.
We hope that your horse’s visit to Kent Equine Hospital is successful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to telephone 01622 737884 or email: