At Kent Equine Hospital, we have a purpose-built laboratory staffed by fully trained veterinary nurses. The advantage of having this resource on-site means that vets can obtain urgent laboratory results quickly, with same day reporting on haematology, biochemistry and cytology tests on samples submitted. This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Many of our clients regularly submit faecal samples for Faecal worm egg counts (FWECs), which are performed daily by our fully trained equine nursing technicians. Based on information you provide us about your yard, paddock sizes, and other horses/ages of horses, in conjunction with individual WECs, our vets can tailor a worming programme individually as to whether or not your horse needs treating. Many livery yards undertaking this strategic worming programme have seen dramatic reductions in FWECs across the yard, dramatically reducing the number of worming treatments required.
For certain conditions, we need to send blood or other samples away to specialist laboratory services. We maintain strong links with specialist private laboratories and clinical pathologists in University departments, enabling rapid diagnosis by a specialist clinical pathologist and pathologist.