Every Tuesday morning

Gastroscopy Clinics
Booking now open.
Is your horse underperforming? Have you noticed behavioural changes or change in rideability ? If so, then your horse may be suffering from gastric ulcers.
Our gastroscopy clinics include sedation, gastroscopy, weight check, a free nutrition consultation and a detailed report with images of the procedure. Horses can be admitted overnight for starving, or you can starve them at home and transport them to clinic on the morning of the scope. All scopes are performed from 8am-12pm.
On these clinic days, we will gastroscope your horse for the reduced price of £200. Repeat gastroscopies, or scopes for horses that have been treated in the past 6 months are £225.This is a 50% discount, as the price includes livery and sedation costs.
If you would like further information on these clinics, or to book, please give our reception team a call on 01622 737884.
Clinic dates are as follows:
15th January​​​
22nd January
29th January
5th February
12th February
19th February
26th February
(every Wednesday)
Terms and Conditions
Payment is required in advance to secure your booking as places are limited.
Prescriptions for medications can be provided or treatment can be purchased through KEH.
Treatment may be covered by your insurance policy; please bring insurance documents with you at the time of the appointment.
KEH reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this offer without notice.
KEH reserves the right to end this clinic early without notice.